
WELCOME Thank you for joining me on this Oily Dream of mine.

Thursday, January 25, 2018

Introduction to Young Living Essential Oils

So, before I get started, I wanted to say I am not a medical professional. This information is for educational purposes only. I kindly ask that you not ask me to diagnose, treat, or refer you to certain oils for any diseases. Thank you!

Now, onto the fun stuff! 

You each have your own various reasons why you want to learn about and try essential oils, and I am so glad you are here today because it is for a reason. As I begin, I want to start off by saying you are about to take a new step into a something that is going to be life changing. What we don't always realize, is the choices we make each day, either fights disease, or contributes to it. It happens little by little, day-by-day, choice-by-choice. It's not just about the food you eat and how much exercise you get that contributes to a healthy life. Yes, both are very important, but what you may not realize is what you put on your body, and breath in your home matters just as much, if not more! Did you know that air you breathe inside your home can be anywhere from 5 to 10 times more polluted than outside air? Scary huh? This is due to your home being inadequately ventilated.

So every product you use in your home, stays in your home for you to breathe in. Among the worst, household air fresheners, (including candles, plug ins, wax burners and sprays), cleaning products, fabric softeners, dryer sheets, and much more. Now, I know hearing all this information can be a little bit scary and overwhelming. I felt the same way the first time I heard these facts. But that is what they are, facts. And for the sake of our health and our future, we can no longer be blind to this. Understand, knowledge is power, and we are the gatekeepers of our home. You are the best caretaker for your family, no one else. YOU are!

Wouldn't  you agree that living a more chemical free life is important for you and your family's health?

So today, I want to help you learn how diverse essential oils are and the numerous ways you can change that, and bring them into your everyday life.

We will show you how you can ditch those synthetic toxins and switch over to something that will benefit your body, mind, and overall wellbeing in the most perfect and plant-based way.

When you are ready please contact me and I will give you more information on how to get started.

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Myths about Oils

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